About the event
Nephrology is alive and well. We are currently experiencing a period of extraordinary and unprecedented progress. New therapeutic options have widened our scope of activity considerably, to the benefit of our patients. Staying up to date with all the news has become a big challenge, one that we will try to address with this Congress. We mustn’t forget that the basis of good health care is the good functioning and cooperation of all the stakeholders involved in the health system. A part of this congress will be devoted to nursing, and we are very happy that our coworkers will be joining us.
The Scientific Committee has prepared an extremely interesting scientific program that presents an overview of all the key elements of modern nephrology. You will be able to listen to invited lectures by renowned domestic and foreign experts. We are proud that many foreign experts will be able to contribute with their valuable talks. Because of them, and for the benefit of other foreign participants, the lectures will be in English. We are also proud that our Congress has no registration fee and will be taking place as a hybrid event, on location and virtually, enabling everybody who wants to participate to be a part of it.
The novelty of this year’s congress are two Courses, which will be held in parallel on Sunday. The Scientific Writing Course is intended for all colleagues who would like to acquire additional knowledge that will enable them to better establish themselves in the demanding world of scientific publishing. This course will take place on location only and for a limited number of participants. Kidney transplantation is also a challenging field in which experience is difficult to gain, so we have also decided to organize a Kidney Transplantation Course that will address some of the main topics and dilemmas. The Kidney Transplantation Course will be streamed on-line. In addition, you will be able to follow Industry Symposia in which some of the new pharmacological approaches in nephrology will be presented.
On behalf of all the organizers of this Congress, I invite you all to the 8th Slovenian Congress of Nephrology.
Andrej Škoberne
Congress President